3 Ingredient Watermelon Sorbet

3 Ingredient Watermelon Sorbet
  • half of 1 large seedless watermelon
  • 3 scoops Boku Super Berries
  • 3/4 cup Boku Super Cacao Nibs
  1. Cut open watermelon down the center. Set one half aside to enjoy later. Scoop out the contents of the other half into a blender. Add 3 scoops of Boku Super Berries. Blend until watermelon is smooth.
  2. Pour watermelon mixture into a bread loaf pan and place in the freezer for an hour, or until starting to set up but not fully frozen.
  3. Gently sprinkle Boku Super Cacao Nibs on top of sorbet and spread through with a knife.
  4. Return to freezer for a couple more hours or until sorbet is frozen. Enjoy!