Uses colloidal silver for an extra line of defense
Liberating nasal hydration
Made with top quality naturally-sourced ayurvedic herbs and oils.
Similar benefits to steam inhalation
Helps with dry and/or irritated nasal canalsboku nose
Excellent for cold/flu season to support immune defense
Refreshing and clearing. We’ve infused Boku Nose with a powerful probiotic which may help to flush out sinus infections, or prevent them in the first place.
Inspired by ancient Ayurvedic techniques
Sesame oil, eucalyptus oil, spearmint oil, silica, boswellia serrata, vitamin E, colloidal micro silver, and streptococcus salivarius probiotic.
Place a drop of Boku nose oil on the little finger and carefully insert it into the nostril.
Gently massage the inner walls of the nasal passage.
Pinch and release your nostrils rapidly while breathing in sharply.
Best used in the morning or evening before bed (but use it whenever you’d like!)
Why did you add Colloidal silver?
Colloidal silver is a solution of water containing nanometre-sized particles of suspended silver. Silver has been used for thousands of years to help prevent microbial infections. It has been proven safe and effective in numerous studies, including one at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine.
What are the benefits?
To name a few..
Liberating nasal hydration
Contains ayurvedic herbs and oils
Similar benefits to steam inhalation
Helps moisturize and soothe dry and/or irritated nasal canals
Excellent for cold/flu season to support immune defense
How do you use Boku Nose?
Steps 1-4 for clear breathing!
1. Place a drop of Boku nose oil on the little finger and carefully insert it into the nostril.
2. Gently massage the inner walls of the nasal passage.
3. Pinch and release your nostrils rapidly while breathing in sharply.
4. Best used in the morning or evening before bed (but use it whenever you’d like!)
Does Boku Nose Contain Probiotics?
Yes! We’ve infused BōKU Nose with a powerful probiotic which may help to flush out sinus infections or prevent them in the first place.

Boku 粉末是用地球上最原始的超级食品制成的,可引发转化并保持结果。
我们相信了解您的农民,建立联系与您的食物一起使用,并将植物视为药物。 在此了解有关每种有机、可持续种植成分的更多信息。

Took 5 times longer to be delivered than advertised
I haven’t received my items and cannot get customer support to respond to me. Maybe this can help me get assistance?
I really like this product. Use in am and before bed. Helps unclog stuffy nose.
I live near Phoenix and our air is almost always too dry for optimal comfort. When I went to see an ENT doctor last year he recommended nasal cleaning, saline spray, and a humidifier. I went one step further and added a couple high quality HEPA air cleaners to my home. These ended up detecting humidified air as "dirty" so I had to discontinue using the humidifier. Saline spray wasn't my favorite either and the results from using this Nose oil make it a welcome alternative. Nasal passages don't dry out as quickly either. I'd recommend anyone who's thinking about this to at least give it a try.
If you have nasal problems or live in a dusty environment, you need these nose drops. I had to laugh when I read how to use them -- you actually have to wipe the inside of your nose with your pinky! But they WORK. They help. I have problems falling asleep, and these drops helped me drift off. I"m glad I bought two bottles with my first order. Boku products are the Real Deal!