Boku Super Shake Powders BoKU® Superfood

Boku Super Shake

$82.60 USD
Pourquoi vous allez l'adorer

  • Le Boku Super Shake est un substitut de repas complet qui améliore :

  • Immunité
  • Énergie
  • Se concentrer
  • Stress
  • Digestion
  • Muscle
  • Métabolisme
  • Réponse inflammatoire

  • Ce repas de superaliments haut de gamme contient...

  • ✓ 30g de protéines végétales
  • ✓ Adaptogènes
  • ✓ Super légumes verts et germes,
  • ✓ Superfruits
  • ✓ Probiotiques et enzymes
  • ✓ Anti-inflammatoires comme la racine de curcuma
  • ✓ Vitamines et minéraux biologiques à large spectre provenant d'aliments complets
Comment profiter
  • Mélangez 2 cuillères à soupe avec de l'eau froide et savourez-les comme substitut de repas à tout moment de la journée.
  • Peut également être mélangé avec de la glace, des fruits et du lait non laitier pour former un smoothie

Is Super Shake safe to take while pregnant?

Yes! Super shake is safe and effective to take during pregnancy but always check with your healthcare provider.

What type of protein is in Super Shake?

We source our protein from Pumpkin, Red Dulse and Peas

Is the multivitamin in Super Shake of synthetic origin?

Our proprietary multivitamin is sourced directly from organic and vegan whole food sources and is as close to nature as possible.

Is Super Shake hypoallergenic?


What is the difference between Super Shake and other meal replacements?

Super Shake contains only the highest quality ingredients with ZERO fillers, dairy, artificial sweeteners, added sugars or gluten

Who should take Super Shake?

Anyone can take Boku Super Shake! It is simply the ultimate human fuel.

When is the best time to take Super Shake?

You can take Super Shake anytime you are ready for a meal! Most people prefer to use it as a breakfast or lunch replacement. Many people love to use it as the perfect meal post-workout.

What is the difference between Super Shake and Super Protein

Super Shake has 30g of protein as well as a full serving of fruits, vegetables and adaptogens. Think of Super Shake as a complete meal with our proteins as foundational bases.

What is the difference between Super Shake and Super Food?

Super Shake is essentially an ALL-IN-ONE complete meal replacement that contains every ingredient that superfood has with added fiber, adaptogens and protein. Super Shake essentially has both micro and macronutrients while SuperFood is a more concentrated formula focusing on micronutrients.

Customer Reviews

Based on 24 reviews

I didn’t like the taste! Sorry 😞


Best ever!


Good product but too expensive with shipping

Stephen Pohle
My preferred

I’ve tried many meal replacement products but this one is my fav!

Round Trip Peak Performance

Super Shake 100% lives up to its description! I am energized and FOCUSED post workout. I feel stronger and my internal feels cleaner. My morning work performance is improved, too, as I am able to approach tasks and demands with a refreshed intelligence and I NEEDED that. Thanks, BOKU!

Plant-Based Vegan Boku Superfood Super Shake Meal Replacement Smoothie

Le substitut de repas tout-en-un

Un shake, tout ce dont vous avez besoin :

✓ 30 g de protéines végétales

✓ Adaptogènes

✓ Super Greens & Sprouts,

< p>✓ Superfruits

✓ Probiotiques et enzymes

✓ Anti-inflammatoires comme la racine de curcuma

✓ Vitamines et minéraux biologiques à large spectre provenant d'aliments complets

Boku Super Shake healthy healthiest organic meal replacement shake kachava soylent

Ce que ça fait

✓ Dynamiser

✓ Purger les toxines

✓ Soutenir l'immunité

✓ Stimuler la clarté mentale

✓ Renforcer les os, les muscles et système nerveux

✓ Soutenir la santé cardiovasculaire

✓ Aider la planète

S'il existe un repas parfait, nous pensons que c'est celui-ci.