Boku Super Protein Powders BoKU® Superfood
Boku Super Protein Powders BoKU® Superfood

Boku Super Protéine

$74.99 USD
Pourquoi vous allez l'adorer
  • ✔ Restez rassasié avec des protéines végétales de première qualité

  • ✔ Profil complet d'acides aminés pour une absorption rapide sans gaz ni ballonnements

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  • ✔ Idéal pour développer vos muscles et gérer votre poids

  • ✔ Se fond parfaitement dans les smoothies et les pâtisseries

Comment profiter

Add to smoothies, hot cereal, yogurt, pancakes or baking recipes. Use anytime you need to satisfy hunger and add protein to your diet. Can be mixed with other Boku products such as Super Fuel, Super Food, Super Berries, Matcha and Super C.


What is the difference between OG protein and the new Essentials Proteins?

Boku Super protein OG is our original three source vegan blend made from sprouted brown rice, red dulse and cranberry. This blend is sweetened with organic maple syrup and lucuma, with a touch of organic vanilla which gives OG a very pleasant, neutral flavor. The Essentials blends are Four vegan source proteins that include Red Dulse, Cranberry, Pea and Sacha Inchi. These proteins are sweetened with organic coconut blossom nectar and flavored with organic vanilla or organic cacao. Both formulas provide a complete amino acid profile, are super pure and taste amazing. The key difference is that one formula contains rice and the other does not.

Does the product contain a large amount of carbohydrates as well as protein?

There are 18 grams of protein and 10 grams of total carbohydrates in a 30 gram serving.

What was your goal in creating BōKU® Super Protein?

We wanted to create a pristine formula that would taste delicious and provide a serious quantity of highly absorbable, super nutritious, organic protein.

Why is taking BōKU® Super Protein better than getting protein from a regular diet?

Ideally, we would all get sufficient high quality protein from our diets. Unfortunately, many people eat a lot of very poor quality protein that can be damaging to their bodies. Many people can’t digest the protein they do consume and the results can be uncomfortable and potentially toxic. For many people, an easy to digest, highly absorbable protein powder can be a great support for their health.

How often would you suggest taking the protein powder?

Daily dose of goodness!
For those seeking a protein boost to their diet, BōKU® Super Protein powder can provide a regular source of quality organic protein. Although individual protein needs vary, many people can use BōKU® Super Protein to augment their busy schedules throughout the week.

Does the maple syrup add a lot of sugar to the powder? Is it alright for diabetics?

No, it does not. There is less sugar in one serving than 1/2 of a banana has. Organic Vermont Maple Syrup delivers valuable minerals. In traditional medicine, tree saps (including maple) are considered quite strengthening for the body. In terms of diabetes, I encourage my diabetic patients to test their blood sugar if they are not sure how food will react for them.

What is the main benefit of adding Boku Super Protein Powder to Boku Super Food?

In short, you get a full nutritional meal replacement!
The main benefit of adding BōKU® Super Protein to BōKU® Super Food is enjoying a large quantity of highly absorbable, delicious and organic protein along with the full-spectrum of phytonutrients and other highly potent properties of BōKU® Super Food.

What makes Protein OG formula so highly absorbable?

The brown rice goes through a unique process of sprouting and fermentation. The protein is then extracted using a low temperature process. The protein is then milled to a very fine powder. All of these processes contribute to increased bioavailability, easier digestion and absorption by consumers.

Why did you choose brown rice protein over whey, soy or even hemp protein? Is it actually better and if so, why?

Our organic-certified, whole grain brown rice protein is sprouted to significantly increase its nutritional density. It is considered a raw food and is hypoallergenic. It has the full spectrum of amino acids and is very highly absorbable. Soy and whey proteins can be significant allergens. Soy is quite controversial for its anti–nutrients and potential hormonal effects. Additionally, many soy and whey proteins are heated to very high temperatures during their production which can potentially create a protein that’s less than healthy. Hemp protein has many beneficial properties but its intense taste is hard for many people to stomach.

Why don’t any Boku products contain protein isolates?

That’s a no-no! None of our products contain protein isolates. Protein isolates are processed with extra heat and/or chemicals to obtain a higher percentage of protein. The quality of the protein is typically harmed in this process. That is why we decided to keep ours au’ naturel!

Is there caffeine in the Chocolate Super Protein?

Some cacao does contain very small amounts of caffeine but in the whole food source. All cacao contains theobromine, a natural stimulant similar in some ways to caffeine but theobromine does not affect your central nervous system like caffeine. The cacao varieties that have caffeine naturally occurring are typically 1/50th the caffeine of a cup of coffee.

Why are all BōKU® products Certified Organic? What does that mean?

Here at BōKU®, we firmly believe in the power of whole, healing foods. When it comes to organic food vs non-organic, the choice is easy for us. For something to be Certified Organic, it has to meet certain criteria that we believe all food should be upheld to. To be certified organic the food must contain NO GMOs (Genetically Modified Organism). To learn more about GMOs, see our FAQ “What is a GMO?” It also must be grown and harvested in a safe and sustainable manner, with NO artificial fertilizers, NO artificial pesticides and NO irradiation! Finally, it must contain NO artificial flavors, colors or preservatives!

Qu'est-ce que la petite pochette à l'intérieur de mon produit ?

C'est ce qu'on appelle un « sachet » ou un « déshydratant » et il est là uniquement pour éliminer toute humidité qui pourrait pénétrer dans votre produit après l'avoir refermé et est fabriqué à partir d'argile naturelle. Cela signifie que s’il s’ouvre dans votre produit, il n’y a absolument aucune raison de s’alarmer. Ceux-ci doivent être laissés tels quels dans votre produit pour le conserver à une fraîcheur optimale.

Customer Reviews

Based on 46 reviews

The best Green drink ever!

Diana Allegretti
Organic Super Protein

I have been using the Organic Super Protein for a few years. It is plant based, avoids my allergies and is a great protein powder. It tastes great and has a great consistency.

Jeri Patterson

I love the protein.

Karen Yoshida
Long time customer

Just as good as always!

Great Product

The organic super protein checks all my boxes. I was in search for a super clean protein with superior taste and no stevia or monk fruit. This is perfect and please do not change the formula.

Vegan Kosher Gluten Free Boku Superfood Powders kachava alternatives supergreens powders protein powder orgain organic protein powders

Pouvoir(d)er au peuple

Les poudres Boku sont créées avec les superaliments les plus purs au monde pour déclencher la transformation et maintenir les résultats.

Nous croyons qu'il faut connaître vos agriculteurs, connecter avec votre nourriture et honorer les plantes comme médicaments. En savoir plus sur chaque ingrédient biologique et issu de l'agriculture durable ici.

Aliments à base de plan(e)t

Fais le pour toi. Faites-le pour la communauté. Faites-le pour la planète.

On estime qu'environ 60 % des déchets dans le monde proviennent de la nourriture jetée.

En choisissant Boku, vous consommez "l'avenir de la nourriture" et réduisez directement la quantité de déchets alimentaires sur cette planète.

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