The caffeine lover’s “coffee or tea” question is one that has been debated for what feels like eons now, and it is still quite the controversy. People’s choices about how they want to intake their caffeine generally depend on [possibly genetically predisposed] personal preference, but it’s still worth looking more deeply at how coffee and black tea affect our health, so that we can make educated decisions based on what’s best for our individual constitutions and lifestyle choices.
Black tea Caffeine Function
Not all beverages with black tea caffeine are created equal. First off, coffee has more of it than black tea. It depends on the origin of the beans, the roast, how long it’s brewed, and many other variables, but the general consensus is that one 8oz cup of coffee contains an average of 95mg of caffeine. Compare this to a maximum of 61mg in the same amount of black tea. So, what does this actually mean?
Well, higher caffeine content brings about the infamous “crash,” prompting yet another cup of coffee - or a deflated resignation to the slump. To be fair, not everybody minds slamming down cup after cup throughout the day, enjoying exhilarating spike after spike. They enjoy the productivity and buzz that comes along with staying at a constant 10/10 on the caffeine meter. It’s important to be aware, however, that too much caffeine can cause anxiety, and further down the line, heart issues. With coffee, moderation is key. Try to cap it at 2-3 cups a day.
The caffeine content in black tea is not insignificant either. However, the presence of a compound called L-Theanine “significantly increases activity in the alpha frequency band which indicates that it relaxes the mind.” [1] This pretty much counteracts the jitters that go along with the caffeine content in tea.

Black tea caffeine Antioxidant Content
Tea is revered worldwide for its antioxidants; in particular, tea lovers boast that black tea is chock full of polyphenols, most notably theaflavins. These antioxidants are especially good at lowering cholesterol, reducing the risk of Parkinson’s, and fighting allergies.
But black tea has some fierce competition.
Coffee is very high on the list of the most antioxidant-rich beverages. It is full of what are known as polyphenolic antioxidants, including caffeic, ferulic, chlorogenic and n-coumaric acids. [2]
Umm...in English please, am I right? Let’s break it down:
- Chlorogenic acid is responsible for the weight loss aspects in coffee that are so highly sought-after, and can help in the prevention of osteoporosis.
- Ferulic acid is beneficial to heart health as well as kidney structure, and even fights cancer-causing free radicals[3]! Pretty badass...and let’s keep it going.
- Caffeic acid protects against DNA damage
- N-coumaric acid is the same anti-inflammatory compound that turmeric is so popular for these days.
Black tea caffeine Effects on Oral Health
Coffee, like red wine and some other things that stain clothes, contains what is known as tannins - and this compound stains your teeth.
Oh, and black tea has ‘em too, at even higher levels. So, this is kind of just something to accept if these caffeinated beverages are part of your life. The yellowing of teeth can be combated in some ways - drink out of a straw, brush immediately after drinking, or eat an apple afterward and the fiber will clean your teeth. Also, brushing your teeth with baking soda or a baking soda based toothpaste is super effective.
Coffee lovers, brace yourself - the high acidity in coffee does actually erode your teeth over time, wearing down the enamel. Tea wins the game on this one, as it does not have any erosive effects. In fact, a single tea bag of black tea contains anywhere from 1.15 - 6.01 milligrams of fluoride per liter, which is enough to potentially prevent cavities. The downside? It is still fluoride, a highly debated chemical; over long periods of time, it can cause tooth fracturing.
There is also good news for you coffee and tea lovers regarding your pearly whites and your favorite caffeinated beverage. The caffeine content in strong coffee actually has an which can prevent the formation of plaque. And, the polyphenols in both coffee and tea can both prevent and treat oral diseases.
Black tea caffeine Memory
Our cognitive functions are improved after a nice cup of coffee or black tea, as we’ve probably all experienced - sipping on a caffeinated beverage seems to expedite our process and sharpen our focus at work, turning us into productive little energizer bunnies.
But studies show that coffee may be excellent for long-term memory as well, including Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Black tea caffeine effects Energy
Caffeine provides vitality by inhibiting adenosine, a neurotransmitter in charge of motioning your brain and letting it know that you’re tired and it’s time to sleep. It's the very reason a ton of us drink espresso and tea in any case. We need that early morning lift-me-up, or a crisp burst of vitality when we get sluggish after lunch.
A direct measure of caffeine consistently is fine for the vast majority. In 2015, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans report set a rule of around 400 milligrams every day (4). Simply be watchful in the event that you wind up experiencing considerable difficulties getting the chance to rest during the evening, or on the off chance that you begin utilizing your espresso or tea as a brace to compensate for an absence of rest.
Coffee and tea are simply extraordinary as long as you’re having them early enough in the day that they don’t meddle with your rest.
Caffeine influences your body longer than you may suspect: a half-life in the vicinity of three and seven hours is standard. You won't feel the caffeine buzz any longer, but that doesn't mean your body isn't retaining the caffeine.
Snatching that additional tea or espresso toward the evening is enticing. Simply be cautious. Cutting yourself off no less than six or seven hours prior to your sleep time is a decent call.
It's somewhat less demanding to try too hard with espresso on the grounds that each container has more caffeine than a similar measure of tea. Specialists at the University of Surrey found that tea consumers had a tendency to have a much more effortless time nodding off than coffee consumers. Yet, there shouldn't be an issue for you as long as you give your body enough time to process all the caffeine before you slow down – regardless of what you drink.
Black tea caffeine In conclusion…
When all is said and done, it boils down to personal preference as to which way you imbibe your caffeine (or if you choose to at all). These are all good pieces of information to weigh as you make your decision, and figure out what works best for your routine and your body!
Neither espresso nor tea emerges as the champion of the most beneficial beverage to drink. We're in an ideal situation putting this verbal confrontation to rest and drinking it is possible that one, as long as we do as such with some restraint.
We've all known the overweight, inactive office worker who dependably has dark circles under their eyes and a goliath espresso drink close by. That is the point at which it turns into an issue. When you wind up utilizing espresso or tea as a bolster just to overcome the day – typically to compensate for the absence of rest, work out, and a horrible eating routine – you're better off maintaining a strategic distance from them until the point when you settle into the way of life most suited to your physiological needs.
Envision an alternate situation, one where somebody eats superfoods, sets aside a few minutes for rest and work out, and enjoy a couple of espressos or teas for the duration of the day. That’s a much more reasonable approach to your vices.