We’ve been a BIG fan of Reader’s Digest forever! It’s such an honor to be featured in their new article, “11 Things You Can Do to Make a Cold Less Miserable.” Check it out here! http://www.rd.com/health/conditions/make-cold-less-miserable
According to Brent A. Bauer, MD, on the Mayo Clinic’s website, several recent studies have shown that zinc lozenges or syrup can reduce the length of a cold by one day. That seems pretty comforting: knowing you could be back to normal a little faster if you take a zinc supplement the first sign of a cold. “Zinc is necessary for the immune system to perform, so yes, you can definitely up the dose during the onset of a cold,” says Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS, author of Smart Fat: Eat More Fat. Lose More Weight. Get Healthy Now. Of course, you should always check with your doctor first to make sure it won’t interfere with any of your medications. Check out these other 12 habits that boost your immune system.
Have a good friend or partner who can bring some warmth and compassion to your sofa side? A 2009 study from the University of Wisconsin showed that empathy can shorten the duration of your cold. Doctors were put to the test and patients rated their bedside manner. With doctors who scored perfectly on a 10-question Consultation and Relational Empathy (CARE), patients were sick one less day. The patients who experienced the most empathetic care had double the levels of IL-8, a protein molecule the body releases to help fight off a common cold. Comfort in the form of empathy really does seem to help you feel better! Find out here how doctors avoid getting colds.
Souped up on vitamin C
A National Institute of Health study found that taking vitamin C can reduce a cold. Vitamin C pills can be hard to swallow when your sick and while orange juice goes down easy, it can irritate your tummy if you haven’t been eating much. A more delicious way to boost your vitamin C intake could be with ZÜPA NOMA soup. The Organic Yellow Pepper Habanero flavor boosts a whopping 370 percent of your DRI of vitamin C. The soup may help numb and soothe a sore throat and the slightly spicy pepper can help open stuffy airways. And steer clear of the foods and drink that could make your cold or flu worse.
Laugh it up
Having a cold is hardly a comedy fest but a 2010 study stated that having a good laugh activates protective T-cells and increases antibody production. Laughter also has positive effect on regulating components of the immune system, including an increased production of antibodies and protective cells, like the T-cells. Check our list of the 100 funniest movies of all time. Short attention span? Try check out Time’s list of the 50 best YouTube videos.
Light a candle
You definitely want to amp up the cozy factor when you’re fighting a cold. Harsh overhead lighting doesn’t give you a cozy feeling like a candle does. Not only will candles give you a glowing and relaxing atmosphere, they could boost some immune properties in your body. “Pure essential oils have a long history of use in Europe for their antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties,” says BJ Adrezin, MD, chief medical advisor to BōKUInternational. “Inhaling pure essential oils can be a great support in preventing or treating the common cold, which is a virus.” The BōKU Immune Candle was inspired by the Four Thieves Oil legend during the Plague epidemic of the 15th century. Legend has it the thieves who were stealing from the dead didn’t get sick because they doused themselves and their clothes with a combination of essential oils, including eucalyptus, rosemary, peppermint, and lemon. You’ll enjoy a warm glow and be better able to smell the pleasant of aroma of peppermint, eucalyptus and lemon. Just be sure not to use it in your bedroom if you’re feeling sleepy.
Ensure a good night’s sleep
It’s hard to sleep when you’re stuffed up or coughing. According to WebMD, your sinuses will drain better if your head is raised to promote drainage. Problem is, propping up pillows bends your neck in a way that can actually make it harder to breathe. Grab that empathetic friend and have them help you raise the head of your bed instead. Place large books or something sturdy under the legs of your headboard and secure them to create a more natural incline. Ahh, sleepy town awaits.