An estimated 80% of adults between the ages of 11 and 30 suffer from acne outbreaks at some point, so whether you feel like you needed to hide away your sweet little face as a hormonal teenager, or you disdainfully roll your eyes in the mirror because adults aren’t supposed to get acne, you’re totally not alone, and you shall overcome!
Chemicals such as benzoyl peroxide (a form of bleach!) and salicylic acid are often ruthlessly smeared into every last pore in an act of desperation to remove unsightly red spots. While this sometimes works, this toxic stuff gets into the bloodstream, and only has temporary results. Let’s think holistically; it’s always better to get to the core causes of any health issue and creating a lasting solution.
It can be super helpful to narrow down the many possible roots of your personal pimple problems, and tackle them one by one.
Amp up on Vitamin C.
Antioxidants, especially vitamin C, are excellent for the skin in many ways. Goldenberries, the “Last Crop of the Incas,” are particularly known for fighting against acne and blackheads because their high vitamin C and antioxidant profile is a remarkable way to keep your skin clear. This superfood has the added benefit of anti-aging properties, so munching on these tiny little fruits make for a pretty amazing beauty routine.
Flush Out Your Gut.
One of the most key aspects of eliminating unwanted acne is eliminating unwanted toxins. One way to commit yourself to a detox process is flushing ‘em out of your body and down the loo! Fiber is one of the greatest gut-scrubbers out there, so make sure you’re getting plenty of it in your diet.
Avoid Icky Fried Foods.
Still Waters Run Deep
Stay hydrated! It seems pretty simple, but an astounding seventy-five percent of Americans suffer from chronic dehydration, so this one is really about diligence. Chug, chug, chug, and flush those problematic toxins out.

Washing Your Face Too Much Doesn't Help
Seems counterintuitive, we know. But when you wash your face a lot, it can aggravate your sweet, delicate skin, contributing to acne breakouts.
Detox from the Outside In, Too.
Much of acne detoxification is inner work, but there are certain measures to be taken in the way of external cleansing. Activated charcoal has recently gained ample attention in the world of skincare due to its incredible ability to extract toxins from the skin. Try it for yourself and scrub-a-dub-dub those red lumps away.
One quick bit of good news is that it is a MYTH that chocolate causes breakouts. Hallelujah!
But as you can see, the inner truly does affect the outer when it comes to outward appearance. Make your insides glow with the proper nutrition and tons of H2O and you will be luminous the outside too!